Feature story in Furniture World magazine details upcoming changes to the retailer take back law in California effective Jan. 1, 2021 and what it means for furniture retailers.
You are being redirected to mrc-us.my.site.com. Close this box to return to the Mattress Recycling Council website.
You are being redirected to ByeByeMattress.com to learn how to recycle in your state.
You are being redirected to MRCreporting.org, the mattress industry’s portal for company registration, sales reporting and recycling fee payment. Close this box to return to the Mattress Recycling Council website.
We are most interested in proposals focused on proving the technical feasibility of an innovation for achieving the targeted use for the recycled material.
We are unlikely to fund proposals to incinerate the reclaimed materials but might be interested in those that convert the material into new or synthetic fuels.
We are unlikely to fund projects to further develop research topics already receiving funding or that focus on existing uses of reclaimed mattress materials.
Feature story in Furniture World magazine details upcoming changes to the retailer take back law in California effective Jan. 1, 2021 and what it means for furniture retailers.