Strengthening Oregon’s Environment One Mattress at a Time
In March 2022, Gov. Kate Brown signed SB 1576 creating a statewide mattress recycling program for Oregon. MRC was created by the bedding industry to serve as a mattress stewardship organization and has an approved program plan on file with Oregon’s Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ).
Per the plan, the program began Jan. 1, 2025, and is funded by a $22.50 per unit DEQ-approved stewardship assessment collected on the sale of each mattress and foundation sold for use in Oregon.
Information regarding available collection opportunities for residents and businesses are available on ByeByeMattress.com.
Those in the mattress industry MUST be registered
The law is similar in structure to MRC’s existing state programs and requires that retailers, manufacturers, importers, distributors and renovators of mattresses for use in Oregon register their business with a mattress stewardship organization. MRC encourages these entities to review their obligations and register with MRC immediately at MRCreporting.org.
Those selling mattresses and foundations for use in Oregon MUST be displaying and collecting the stewardship assessment AND informing customers of available collection opportunities
Brick-and-mortar and online retailers selling to end-users – individual consumers or a large-volume buyers – must now be collecting the $22.50 per unit stewardship assessment, and displaying that amount as a line item on the receipt, invoice or other sales documentation that the seller provides the purchaser. The seller must also inform their customer of available collection opportunities.
Materials for educating customers are now available for download or to order from MRC. Sellers registered prior to the start of the program received an introductory shipment of posters and cards.
Retailers that want to recycle mattresses they take back from customers, should learn about the Commercial Volume Program. To get started contact ORcvp@mrc-us.org.
The assessments collected in January will be due to MRC by March 3, 2025. Start learning about the reporting and remittance process. View these available resources: written guidelines and our video series.
Those in the solid waste and recycling industries can indicate interest in serving as collection sites
MRC continues to collect information from solid waste facilities and other interested locations that would like to serve as a public mattress collection site for residents in their area. Please contact our Oregon Program Coordinator by completing this service provider interest form. To learn more about collection site benefits, expectations and requirements view our collection site information sheet.
MRC provides assistance with educating residents in areas with a collection opportunity. View Publicity Toolkits.
All participating sites and recyclers are listed on ByeByeMattress.com.
For further information, explore WHAT’S NEXT, RESOURCES and CONTACT.