MRC News

Happy 5th Birthday to MRC!
This month MRC is celebrating five years of mattress recycling. Our Bye Bye Mattress program launched in Connecticut in May 2015. Since that time, Rhode Island and California have joined and MRC has recycled more than six million mattresses. We are proud to be doing our part for the environment. In addition, more than one million people have visited and our public service announcement has over three million views! We work hard to spread the word that recycling matters and that mattresses should never be dumped illegally. Thank you to our amazing supporters for helping us reach these milestones!

COVID-19 Update
This week, all 50 states have begun to reopen to some degree in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. MRC is seeing an uptick in mattress recycling volume in program states and is “cautiously optimistic,” according to managing director Mike O’Donnell, as retailers and collection points begin a phased-in opening process, as well. Pictured above are some of the front line workers at two of our recyclers hard at work this month. We are grateful to all of the recycling heroes across our mattress recycling network! MRC has a COVID-19 page on our website offering updates and resources for our program participants. Please contact your program coordinator with any questions or concerns. Stay safe!

Updated Collection Guidelines and Publicity Toolkits Available
Mattress retailers, hotels, universities and hospitals that recycle through the Bye Bye Mattress program are a big part of MRC’s success. To help you communicate the good work you are doing recycling mattresses to your customers and the public, our new and improved publicity toolkit offers ways to promote your participation and the positive impact on the environment. In addition, newly updated collection guidelines specific to the Commercial Volume Program offer information about quality standards, how to load units and more. Click to view or print the California and Northeast versions.
Interested in joining our Commercial Volume Program? Click here for info.
California News
Illegal Dumping Workshop Report Released
MRC has hosted two interactive workshops to address causes of and potential solutions for illegal dumping in California and a report detailing the findings is now available.
“Addressing Root Causes and Growing Solutions” held in October gathered experts from across the state who work with the issue of illegal dumping in a professional capacity. A second event, “Illegal Dumping: Growing Solutions in Your Community” was held in January during the Central California Environmental Justice Network conference. Attendees included residents, activists, nonprofit organizations and neighborhood groups.

Participants were led through a series of exercises and discussions to share ideas and potential solutions based on their experience. Due to the broad spectrum of illegal dumpers and dumping practices, multiple approaches by multiple stakeholders will be required to address the problem, according to the report. Recommended action includes legislative policy, government agency involvement, funding, evaluating solid waste collection methods, nonprofit assistance, education and outreach, community participation, behavior change and a collective commitment to joint problem-solving.The workshops and report are part of MRC’s ongoing commitment to mitigating illegal mattress dumping.
California Collection Sites: Funding Award Applications Now Open
MRC is now accepting its third round of applications from collection sites to fund infrastructure improvements. California facilities that currently collect or will collect discarded mattresses from the public for dismantling by MRC-contracted recyclers are eligible to apply for up to $10,000. In two previous funding cycles, MRC awarded over $300,000 for infrastructure improvements including carports and cement pads that provide weather protection and for equipment such as stairs and ramps to aid in loading units into trailers. Applications will be accepted through July 17. For more information or to apply, click here.
Deadline Extended to July 1 to Submit 2019 Reports to CalRecycle
Due to the COVID-19 public health emergency, CalRecycle is providing additional time for solid waste facilities, mattress recyclers and mattress renovators to submit annual reports as required by Public Resources Code 42991. The deadilne was adjusted from May 1, 2020 to July 1, 2020. Questions? Contact
Northeast News
Connecticut Hotels Partner with MRC to Recycle Mattresses
MRC is proud to partner with the Connecticut lodging industry to provide no-cost mattress recycling. To date, more than 22,000 mattresses from lodging establishments across Connecticut have been collected for recycling through MRC’s Bye Bye Mattress program, resulting in more than 1.25 million pounds of material diverted from disposal.

The success of this program is due to the collaboration of MRC and the lodging industry. As one such valued partner said, “For five years, the Connecticut Lodging Association (CLA) and MRC have offered an incredible service to the industry for the health of the planet. We appreciate the amazing work MRC does and look forward to five more successful years!” Thank you CLA! We are always looking for ways to grow our recycling network even further. Please contact Dan McGowan if you are interested.
MRC Program Success Making Headlines
MRC is in the news! Check out the links below to see recent coverage.
- Op-ed appearing in the Connecticut Mirror on Earth Day detailing the success of MRC program-wide and in Connecticut.
- Article in the Hartford Courant noting MRC’s six million mattress milestone and mattress recycling in Connecticut.
- MRC’s Justine Fallon was interviewed LIVE on Hartford radio station WTIC 1080 talking about MRC and Bye Bye Mattress in Connecticut.
UCLA Awarded MRC Research Contract
MRC awarded a research contract to UCLA to explore a potential new application for chemically recycled urethane foam generated in the mattress recycling process. According to MRC Research Consultant Mike Gallagher, UCLA will investigate whether there is “an alternative approach to conventional concrete that combines zeolites and chemically recycled urethane foam.” Zeolites are abundant, very strong, naturally occurring porous minerals which are used in a wide variety of products. Very little energy is used to process and purify zeolites. By contrast, conventional concrete manufacturing is extremely energy intensive. Visit MRC’s research page for more information about ongoing projects and RFPs.
For Retailers
Customer Education Materials
For Collection Site & Event Hosts
Recyclers in Your Area
Businesses need to make arrangements directly with recyclers. Those with at least 100 units may contact Joy Broussard for Commercial Volume Pickup.
Connecticut & Rhode Island
Businesses should contact our Northeast Program Coordinator Dan McGowan for arrangements.
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