MRC News
MRC Outreach Targets New and Potential Registrants for Compliance

MRC understands the importance of making sure program participation is an even playing field. As a result, we have in place a robust outreach effort to confirm that all producers, retailers (both online and brick and mortar), distributors and renovators in program states are registered with MRC and are collecting and remitting the recycling fee as applicable by law. MRC follows this protocol to identify any “potential new registrants” from any of these categories for outreach and follow-up to achieve compliance.
Steps taken include using a national retail database to identify new business registrations, reviewing industry publications for new business announcements, performing daily Google searches and checking online outlets that sell mattresses. In addition, MRC consults with state regulators, industry executives and MRC program coordinators for any potential participants they may be aware of. If you know of a company that you think should be registered with MRC and is not, you can email us or call 1-855-229-1691.
Companies found to be out of compliance or non-responsive are sent to the state regulatory agencies that oversee the program for enforcement. “MRC is committed to the fair and equitable application of these state mattress recycling laws. This outreach is an ongoing process to drive compliance,” according to Mike O’Donnell, MRC managing director. To learn more about the mattress recycling laws or your obligations in the states where you operate, visit
“How To” Video Series Launches to Provide Training and Tips

A new video on how to safely collect and load mattresses properly for transport is now available from MRC. The video, which is three and a half minutes long, offers training and tips in an easy to follow format. Currently offered in English, a Spanish translation will be released soon. Click this link to view the video, which can be accessed at any time on MRC’s website.
“This video is the first in a series that MRC is developing that will serve as valuable, on-demand resources to facilitate best practices in mattress recycling for program participants,” said Justine Fallon, MRC’s director of operations. Upcoming videos will feature training on bed bugs, how to set up and promote collection events, how to participate in the California Illegally Dumped Mattress Collection Initiative and more.
Contactless Mattress Recycling Events Now Feature New Signage from MRC

MRC wants residents to recycle their mattresses responsibly during the pandemic and is taking steps to make it easier. Following protocols established by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), many of MRC’s mattress collection events have become contactless, if they weren’t already. MRC created event signage telling residents to remain in their vehicle while event staff unload their mattresses for recycling. Signage has been sent free of charge to all California sites hosting contactless events.
MRC’s concern for the health and well-being of those using and operating the Bye Bye Mattress recycling program is our top priority. For more information related to the pandemic, please visit our COVID-19 page.
MRC’s California Program Achieves Fourth Consecutive Year of Growth and Success

On Sept. 1, 2020, MRC submitted its 2019 Annual Report to California’s Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle). The report demonstrates year-over-year increases in the percentage of discarded units diverted from California landfills, number of units collected, pounds and percentage of material recycled and percentage of the population with access to the program.
Other accomplishments noted in the report include MRC’s collaborative efforts to combat illegal dumping and investments in research to improve the recycling process by developing new markets for reclaimed component materials. View the full report here or click here for MRC’s press release.
Leading the Way in Reducing Illegal Dumping

MRC works collaboratively with local leaders and nonprofits to combat illegal dumping. Increasing education and outreach, as well as targeting the use of collection events and increasing participation in the Illegally Dumped Mattress Collection Initiative, are tactics MRC uses in California to address this persistent problem. Take a look at how MRC has implemented these efforts in the Stockton area.
Want to increase education and outreach in your area? Use our public service announcement materials. Available in the media center.
Start benefiting from the Illegally Dumped Mattress Collection Initiative. MRC compensates California agencies (including California local governments, certain permitted solid waste facilities and authorized solid waste operations) that collect illegally dumped mattresses from public spaces and rights-of-way. Join at any time. To learn more, click here or email Mark Patti.

Take-Back Required for ALL New Mattress Deliveries in California as of Jan. 1 2021
Starting Jan. 1, any retailer (both brick and mortar and online) selling a mattress to a California consumer must offer to arrange to pick up a used mattress for recycling from that consumer within 30 days after delivering the new mattress at no cost to the consumer. This new take back provision is an extension of the existing brick and mortar take back requirement as a result of CA AB 187, which amends California’s Used Mattress Recovery and Recycling Act (SB 254). For more information, contact MRC by email or phone at 1-855-229-1691.
Retailer Outreach Initiative Update: Connecticut To Start, Rhode Island Wraps Up
MRC recently completed a Retailer Outreach Initiative for Rhode Island. Over 200 retailers received our survey and were contacted by phone and email. Survey results showed the overall majority is satisfied with the program and the resources offered. Throughout this process, MRC was able to refill customer education material orders, add new subscribers to our mailing list and provide resources to answer customer questions about the fee. MRC greatly appreciates the feedback from the retail community.
We will begin contacting all registered retailers in Connecticut soon. Be on the lookout for the survey in your account holder’s inbox. Have your comments, questions and concerns ready. We look forward to connecting with retailers and providing an additional level of service to support the program. Retailers can access resources at any time on our website.
No-Cost Commercial Mattress Recycling in Connecticut

MRC’s Commercial Volume Program partners with commercial entities including hotels, hospitals and educational facilities in Connecticut to provide environmentally-friendly and cost-effective solutions for discarded mattresses. MRC currently works with 39 commercial sites in Connecticut, contributing to the 775,000 mattresses recycled in the state since the program began.
We are always looking to partner with more commercial entities to provide no-cost mattress recycling and divert useful materials from the waste stream. Visit our Commercial Recycling page for more information.
MRC Program Success Making Headlines
MRC is in the news! Check out the links below to see recent coverage.
- New Haven’s CBS affiliate featured a primetime news story about mattress recycling during the pandemic and how MRC’s Bye Bye Mattress program is making a difference in Connecticut.
- The New Haven Independent featured an article “Bed-der Method Found For Handling Old Mattresses” about MRC’s efforts to educate the public about the no-cost options to responsibly dispose of mattresses in Connecticut and the value of recycling.
New Collection Sites
Welcome Cristal Materials, Inc., – Compton

MRC would like to welcome Cristal Materials, Inc., in Compton, Ca. to the mattress recycling program! Visit their listing on the Bye Bye Mattress website for more information.
Cristal Materials, Inc., – Compton
510 W. Carob St.
Compton, Ca. 90220
Mattresses are accepted for recycling Mon.-Fri., 7 am to 2 pm.
Upcoming Events

National Zero Waste Conference Webinar
Implementing Zero Waste on Campuses and in Businesses
September 24, 9–11 am PST
For Retailers
Customer Education Materials
Customer education materials can be ordered using our Online Order Form and will ship to you free of charge.
Samples of what we offer:
For Collection Site & Host Events
Recyclers In Your Area
Businesses need to make arrangements directly with recyclers. Those with at least 100 units may contact Joy Broussard for Commercial Volume Pickup.
Connecticut & Rhode Island
Businesses should contact our Northeast Program Coordinator Dan McGowan for arrangements.
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